Search Results: "andres"

24 September 2017

Julian Andres Klode: APT 1.5 is out

APT 1.5 is out, after almost 3 months the release of 1.5 alpha 1, and almost six months since the release of 1.4 on April 1st. This release cycle was unusually short, as 1.4 was the stretch release series and the zesty release series, and we waited for the latter of these releases before we started 1.5. In related news, 1.4.8 hit stretch-proposed-updates today, and is waiting in the unapproved queue for zesty. This release series moves https support from apt-transport-https into apt proper, bringing with it support for https:// proxies, and support for autodetectproxy scripts that return http, https, and socks5h proxies for both http and https. Unattended updates and upgrades now work better: The dependency on network-online was removed and we introduced a meta wait-online helper with support for NetworkManager, systemd-networkd, and connman that allows us to wait for network even if we want to run updates directly after a resume (which might or might not have worked before, depending on whether update ran before or after network was back up again). This also improves a boot performance regression for systems with rc.local files: The rc.local.service unit specified, and login stuff was After=rc.local.service, and apt-daily.timer was, causing to be pulled into the boot and the rc.local.service ordering dependency to take effect, significantly slowing down the boot. An earlier less intrusive variant of that fix is in 1.4.8: It just moves the Want/After from apt-daily.timer to apt-daily.service so most boots are uncoupled now. I hope we get the full solution into stretch in a later point release, but we should gather some experience first before discussing this with the release time. Balint Reczey also provided a patch to increase the time out before killing the daily upgrade service to 15 minutes, to actually give unattended-upgrades some time to finish an in-progress update. Honestly, I d have though the machine hung up and force rebooted it after 5 seconds already. (this patch is also in 1.4.8) We also made sure that unreadable config files no longer cause an error, but only a warning, as that was sort of a regression from previous releases; and we added documentation for /etc/apt/auth.conf, so people actually know the preferred way to place sensitive data like passwords (and can make their sources.list files world-readable again). We also fixed apt-cdrom to support discs without MD5 hashes for Sources (the Files field), and re-enabled support for udev-based detection of cdrom devices which was accidentally broken for 4 years, as it was trying to load at runtime, but that library had an SONAME change to we now link against it normally. Furthermore, if certain information in Release files change, like the codename, apt will now request confirmation from the user, avoiding a scenario where a user has stable in their sources.list and accidentally upgrades to the next release when it becomes stable. Paul Wise contributed patches to allow configuring the apt-daily intervals more easily apt-daily is invoked twice a day by systemd but has more fine-grained internal timestamp files. You can now specify the intervals in seconds, minutes, hours, and day units, or specify always to always run (that is, up to twice a day on systemd, once per day on non-systemd platforms). Development for the 1.6 series has started, and I intent to upload a first alpha to unstable in about a week, removing the apt-transport-https package and enabling compressed index files by default (save space, a lot of space, at not much performance cost thanks to lz4). There will also be some small clean ups in there, but I don t expect any life-changing changes for now. I think our new approach of uploading development releases directly to unstable instead of parking them in experimental is working out well. Some people are confused why alpha releases appear in unstable, but let me just say one thing: These labels basically just indicate feature-completeness, and not stability. An alpha is just very likely to get a lot more features, a beta is less likely (all the big stuff is in), and the release candidates just fix bugs. Also, we now have 3 active stable series: The 1.2 LTS series, 1.4 medium LTS, and 1.5. 1.2 receives updates as part of Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial), 1.4 as part of Debian 9.0 (stretch) and Ubuntu 17.04 (zesty); whereas 1.5 will only be supported for 9 months (as part of Ubuntu 17.10). I think the stable release series are working well, although 1.4 is a bit tricky being shared by stretch and zesty right now (but zesty is history soon, so ).
Filed under: Debian, Ubuntu

17 August 2017

Julian Andres Klode: Why TUF does not shine (for APT repositories)

In DebConf17 there was a talk about The Update Framework, short TUF. TUF claims to be a plug-in solution to software updates, but while it has the same practical level of security as apt, it also has the same shortcomings, including no way to effectively revoke keys. TUF divides signing responsibilities into roles: A root role, a targets rule (signing stuff to download), a snapshots rule (signing meta data), and a time stamp rule (signing a time stamp file). There also is a mirror role for signing a list of mirrors, but we can ignore that for now. It strongly recommends that all keys except for timestamp and mirrors are kept offline, which is not applicable for APT repositories Ubuntu updates the repository every 30 minutes, imagine doing that with offline keys. An insane proposal. In APT repositories, we effectively only have a snapshots rule the only thing we sign are Release files, and trust is then chained down by hashes (Release files hashes Packages index files, and they have hashes of individual packages). The keys used to sign repositories are online keys, after all, all the metadata files change every 30 minutes (Ubuntu) or 6 hours (Debian) it s impossible to sign them by hand. The timestamp role is replaced by a field in the Release file specifying until when the Release file is considered valid. Let s check the attacks TUF protects again: As we can see, APT addresses all attacks TUF addresses. But both do not handle key revocation. So, if a key & mirror gets compromised (or just key and the mirror is MITMed), we cannot inform the user that the key has been compromised and block updates from the compromised repository. I just wrote up a proposal to allow APT to query for revoked keys from a different host with a key revocation list (KRL) file that is signed by different keys than the repository. This would solve the problem of key revocation easily even if the repository host is MITMed or compromised, we can still revoke the keys signing the repository from a different location.
Filed under: Debian, Ubuntu

20 July 2017

Benjamin Mako Hill: Testing Our Theories About Eternal September

Graph of subscribers and moderators over time in /r/NoSleep. The image is taken from our 2016 CHI paper.
Last year at CHI 2016, my research group published a qualitative study examining the effects of a large influx of newcomers to the /r/nosleep online community in Reddit. Our study began with the observation that most research on sustained waves of newcomers focuses on the destructive effect of newcomers and frequently invokes Usenet s infamous Eternal September. Our qualitative study argued that the /r/nosleep community managed its surge of newcomers gracefully through strategic preparation by moderators, technological systems to reign in on norm violations, and a shared sense of protecting the community s immersive environment among participants. We are thrilled that, less a year after the publication of our study, Zhiyuan Jerry Lin and a group of researchers at Stanford have published a quantitative test of our study s findings! Lin analyzed 45 million comments and upvote patterns from 10 Reddit communities that a massive inundation of newcomers like the one we studied on /r/nosleep. Lin s group found that these communities retained their quality despite a slight dip in its initial growth period. Our team discussed doing a quantitative study like Lin s at some length and our paper ends with a lament that our findings merely reflected, propositions for testing in future work. Lin s study provides exactly such a test! Lin et al. s results suggest that our qualitative findings generalize and that sustained influx of newcomers need not doom a community to a descent into an Eternal September. Through strong moderation and the use of a voting system, the subreddits analyzed by Lin appear to retain their identities despite the surge of new users. There are always limits to research projects work quantitative and qualitative. We think the Lin s paper compliments ours beautifully, we are excited that Lin built on our work, and we re thrilled that our propositions seem to have held up! This blog post was written with Charlie Kiene. Our paper about /r/nosleep, written with Charlie Kiene and Andr s Monroy-Hern ndez, was published in the Proceedings of CHI 2016 and is released as open access. Lin s paper was published in the Proceedings of ICWSM 2017 and is also available online.

9 May 2017

Benjamin Mako Hill: Surviving an Eternal September: How an Online Community Managed a Surge of Newcomers

Attracting newcomers is among the most widely studied problems in online community research. However, with all the attention paid to challenge of getting new users, much less research has studied the flip side of that coin: large influxes of newcomers can pose major problems as well! The most widely known example of problems caused by an influx of newcomers into an online community occurred in Usenet. Every September, new university students connecting to the Internet for the first time would wreak havoc in the Usenet discussion forums. When AOL connected its users to the Usenet in 1994, it disrupted the community for so long that it became widely known as The September that never ended . Our study considered a similar influx in NoSleep an online community within Reddit where writers share original horror stories and readers comment and vote on them. With strict rules requiring that all members of the community suspend disbelief, NoSleep thrives off the fact that readers experience an immersive storytelling environment. Breaking the rules is as easy as questioning the truth of someone s story. Socializing newcomers represents a major challenge for NoSleep.
Number of subscribers and moderators on /r/NoSleep over time.
On May 7th, 2014, NoSleep became a default subreddit i.e., every new user to Reddit automatically joined NoSleep. After gradually accumulating roughly 240,000 members from 2010 to 2014, the NoSleep community grew to over 2 million subscribers in a year. That said, NoSleep appeared to largely hold things together. This reflects the major question that motivated our study: How did NoSleep withstand such a massive influx of newcomers without enduring their own Eternal September? To answer this question, we interviewed a number of NoSleep participants, writers, moderators, and admins. After transcribing, coding, and analyzing the results, we proposed that NoSleep survived because of three inter-connected systems that helped protect the community s norms and overall immersive environment. First, there was a strong and organized team of moderators who enforced the rules no matter what. They recruited new moderators knowing the community s population was going to surge. They utilized a private subreddit for NoSleep s staff. They were able to socialize and educate new moderators effectively. Although issuing sanctions against community members was often difficult, our interviewees explained that NoSleep s moderators were deeply committed and largely uncompromising. That commitment resonates within the second system that protected NoSleep: regulation by normal community members. From our interviews, we found that the participants felt a shared sense of community that motivated them both to socialize newcomers themselves as well as to report inappropriate comments and downvote people who violate the community s norms. Finally, we found that the technological systems protected the community as well. For instance, post-throttling was instituted to limit the frequency at which a writer could post their stories. Additionally, Reddit s Automoderator , a programmable AI bot, was used to issue sanctions against obvious norm violators while running in the background. Participants also pointed to the tools available to them the report feature and voting system in particular to explain how easy it was for them to report and regulate the community s disruptors.

This blog post was written with Charlie Kiene. The paper and work this post describes is collaborative work with Charlie Kiene and Andr s Monroy-Hern ndez. The paper was published in the Proceedings of CHI 2016 and is released as open access so anyone can read the entire paper here. A version of this post was published on the Community Data Science Collective blog.

14 February 2017

Julian Andres Klode: moved / backing up

In the past two days, I moved my main web site (and from a very old contract at STRATO over to something else: The domains are registered with INWX and the hosting is handled by Encryption is provided by Let s Encrypt. I requested the domain transfer from STRATO on Monday at 16:23, received the auth codes at 20:10 and the .de domain was transferred completely on 20:36 (about 20 minutes if you count my overhead). The .org domain I had to ACK, which I did at 20:46 and at 03:00 I received the notification that the transfer was successful (I think there was some registrar ACKing involved there). So the whole transfer took about 10 1/2 hours, or 7 hours since I retrieved the auth code. I think that s quite a good time  And, for those of you who don t know: uberspace is a shared hoster that basically just gives you an SSH shell account, directories for you to drop files in for the http server, and various tools to add subdomains, certificates, virtual users to the mailserver. You can also run your own custom build software and open ports in their firewall. That s quite cool. I m considering migrating the blog away from wordpress at some point in the future having a more integrated experience is a bit nicer than having my web presence split over two sites. I m unsure if I shouldn t add something like cloudflare there I don t want to overload the servers (but I only serve static pages, so how much load is this really going to get?). in other news: off-site backups I also recently started doing offsite backups via borg to a server operated by the wonderful For those of you who do not know You basically get SSH to a server where you can upload your backups via common tools like rsync, scp, or you can go crazy and use git-annex, borg, attic; or you could even just plain zfs send your stuff there. The normal price is $0.08 per GB per month, but there is a special borg price of $0.03 (that price does not include snapshotting or support, really). You can also get a discounted normal account for $0.04 if you find the correct code on Hacker News, or other discounts for open source developers, students, etc. you just have to send them an email. Finally, I must say that uberspace and feel similar in spirit. Both heavily emphasise the command line, and don t really have any fancy click stuff. I like that.
Filed under: General

3 February 2017

Benjamin Mako Hill: New Dataset: Five Years of Longitudinal Data from Scratch

Scratch is a block-based programming language created by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group (LLK) at the MIT Media Lab. Scratch gives kids the power to use programming to create their own interactive animations and computer games. Since 2007, the online community that allows Scratch programmers to share, remix, and socialize around their projects has drawn more than 16 million users who have shared nearly 20 million projects and more than 100 million comments. It is one of the most popular ways for kids to learn programming and among the larger online communities for kids in general.
Front page of the Scratch online community ( during the period covered by the dataset.
Since 2010, I have published a series of papers using quantitative data collected from the database behind the Scratch online community. As the source of data for many of my first quantitative and data scientific papers, it s not a major exaggeration to say that I have built my academic career on the dataset. I was able to do this work because I happened to be doing my masters in a research group that shared a physical space ( The Cube ) with LLK and because I was friends with Andr s Monroy-Hern ndez, who started in my masters cohort at the Media Lab. A year or so after we met, Andr s conceived of the Scratch online community and created the first version for his masters thesis project. Because I was at MIT and because I knew the right people, I was able to get added to the IRB protocols and jump through the hoops necessary to get access to the database. Over the years, Andr s and I have heard over and over, in conversation and in reviews of our papers, that we were privileged to have access to such a rich dataset. More than three years ago, Andr s and I began trying to figure out how we might broaden this access. Andr s had the idea of taking advantage of the launch of Scratch 2.0 in 2013 to focus on trying to release the first five years of Scratch 1.x online community data (March 2007 through March 2012) most of the period that the codebase he had written ran the site. After more work than I have put into any single research paper or project, Andr s and I have published a data descriptor in Nature s new journal Scientific Data. This means that the data is now accessible to other researchers. The data includes five years of detailed longitudinal data organized in 32 tables with information drawn from more than 1 million Scratch users, nearly 2 million Scratch projects, more than 10 million comments, more than 30 million visits to Scratch projects, and much more. The dataset includes metadata on user behavior as well the full source code for every project. Alongside the data is the source code for all of the software that ran the website and that users used to create the projects as well as the code used to produce the dataset we ve released. Releasing the dataset was a complicated process. First, we had navigate important ethical concerns about the the impact that a release of any data might have on Scratch s users. Toward that end, we worked closely with the Scratch team and the the ethics board at MIT to design a protocol for the release that balanced these risks with the benefit of a release. The most important features of our approach in this regard is that the dataset we re releasing is limited to only public data. Although the data is public, we understand that computational access to data is different in important ways to access via a browser or API. As a result, we re requiring anybody interested in the data to tell us who they are and agree to a detailed usage agreement. The Scratch team will vet these applicants. Although we re worried that this creates a barrier to access, we think this approach strikes a reasonable balance. Beyond the the social and ethical issues, creating the dataset was an enormous task. Andr s and I spent Sunday afternoons over much of the last three years going column-by-column through the MySQL database that ran Scratch. We looked through the source code and the version control system to figure out how the data was created. We spent an enormous amount of time trying to figure out which columns and rows were public. Most of our work went into creating detailed codebooks and documentation that we hope makes the process of using this data much easier for others (the data descriptor is just a brief overview of what s available). Serializing some of the larger tables took days of computer time. In this process, we had a huge amount of help from many others including an enormous amount of time and support from Mitch Resnick, Natalie Rusk, Sayamindu Dasgupta, and Benjamin Berg at MIT as well as from many other on the Scratch Team. We also had an enormous amount of feedback from a group of a couple dozen researchers who tested the release as well as others who helped us work through through the technical, social, and ethical challenges. The National Science Foundation funded both my work on the project and the creation of Scratch itself. Because access to data has been limited, there has been less research on Scratch than the importance of the system warrants. We hope our work will change this. We can imagine studies using the dataset by scholars in communication, computer science, education, sociology, network science, and beyond. We re hoping that by opening up this dataset to others, scholars with different interests, different questions, and in different fields can benefit in the way that Andr s and I have. I suspect that there are other careers waiting to be made with this dataset and I m excited by the prospect of watching those careers develop. You can find out more about the dataset, and how to apply for access, by reading the data descriptor on Nature s website.

21 December 2016

Hideki Yamane: considering package delta

From Android Developers Blog: Saving Data: Reducing the size of App Updates by 65%

We should consider providing delta package, especially update packages from, IMO.

Yes, B lint R czey and others via email pointed out there's for this purpose. But for general usage, it should be intergrated to the infrastructure, without any extra manual setup. Probably apt (as Julian Andres Klode said in his talk in DebConf16and also infrastructure (dak?) would need to be modified to implement it.

Applying delta to daily unstable/testing update may be hard, but security update packages from and stable point release is worse for the effort at least, IMO.

Some rpm distro (Fedora and openSUSE) have already provided delta package, so we can do it, too. Right? :-)

25 November 2016

Julian Andres Klode: Starting the faster, more secure APT 1.4 series

We just released the first beta of APT 1.4 to Debian unstable (beta here means that we don t know any other big stuff to add to it, but are still open to further extensions). This is the release series that will be released with Debian stretch, Ubuntu zesty, and possibly Ubuntu zesty+1 (if the Debian freeze takes a very long time, even zesty+2 is possible). It should reach the master archive in a few hours, and your mirrors shortly after that. Security changes APT 1.4 by default disables support for repositories signed with SHA1 keys. I announced back in January that it was my intention to do this during the summer for development releases, but I only remembered the Jan 1st deadline for stable releases supporting that (APT 1.2 and 1.3), so better late than never. Around January 1st, the same or a similar change will occur in the APT 1.2 and 1.3 series in Ubuntu 16.04 and 16.10 (subject to approval by Ubuntu s release team). This should mean that repository provides had about one year to fix their repositories, and more than 8 months since the release of 16.04. I believe that 8 months is a reasonable time frame to upgrade a repository signing key, and hope that providers who have not updated their repositories yet will do so as soon as possible. Performance work APT 1.4 provides a 10-20% performance increase in cache generation (and according to callgrind, we went from approx 6.8 billion to 5.3 billion instructions for my laptop s configuration, a reduction of more than 21%). The major improvements are: We switched the parsing of Deb822 files (such as Packages files) to my perfect hash function TrieHash. TrieHash which generates C code from a set of words is about equal or twice as fast as the previously used hash function (and two to three times faster than gperf), and we save an additional 50% of that time as we only have to hash once during parsing now, instead of during look up as well. APT 1.4 marks the first time TrieHash is used in any software. I hope that it will spread to dpkg and other software at a later point in time.vendors. Another important change was to drop normalization of Description-MD5 values, the fields mapping a description in a Packages files to a translated description. We used to parse the hex digits into a native binary stream, and then compared it back to hex digits for comparisons, which cost us about 5% of the run time performance. We also optimized one of our hash functions the VersionHash that hashes the important fields of a package to recognize packages with the same version, but different content to not normalize data to a temporary buffer anymore. This buffer has been the subject of some bugs (overflow, incompleteness) in the recent past, and also caused some slowdown due to the additional writes to the stack. Instead, we now pass the bytes we are interested in directly to our CRC code, one byte at a time. There were also some other micro-optimisations: For example, the hash tables in the cache used to be ordered by standard compare (alphabetical followed by shortest). It is now ordered by size first, meaning we can avoid data comparisons for strings of different lengths. We also got rid of a std::string that cannot use short string optimisation in a hot path of the code. Finally, we also converted our case-insensitive djb hashes to not use a normal tolower_ascii(), but introduced tolower_ascii_unsafe() which just sets the lowercase bit ( 0x20) in the character. Others For a more complete overview of all changes, consult the changelog.
Filed under: Debian, Ubuntu

25 October 2016

Julian Andres Klode: Introducing DNS66, a host blocker for Android

ic_launcher I m proud (yes, really) to announce DNS66, my host/ad blocker for Android 5.0 and newer. It s been around since last Thursday on F-Droid, but it never really got a formal announcement. DNS66 creates a local VPN service on your Android device, and diverts all DNS traffic to it, possibly adding new DNS servers you can configure in its UI. It can use hosts files for blocking whole sets of hosts or you can just give it a domain name to block (or multiple hosts files/hosts). You can also whitelist individual hosts or entire files by adding them to the end of the list. When a host name is looked up, the query goes to the VPN which looks at the packet and responds with NXDOMAIN (non-existing domain) for hosts that are blocked. You can find DNS66 here: F-Droid is the recommended source to install from. DNS66 is licensed under the GNU GPL 3, or (mostly) any later version. Implementation Notes DNS66 s core logic is based on another project, dbrodie/AdBuster, which arguably has the cooler name. I translated that from Kotlin to Java, and cleaned up the implementation a bit: All work is done in a single thread by using poll() to detect when to read/write stuff. Each DNS request is sent via a new UDP socket, and poll() polls over all UDP sockets, a Device Socket (for the VPN s tun device) and a pipe (so we can interrupt the poll at any time by closing the pipe). We literally redirect your DNS servers. Meaning if your DNS server is, all traffic to is routed to the VPN. The VPN only understands DNS traffic, though, so you might have trouble if your DNS server also happens to serve something else. I plan to change that at some point to emulate multiple DNS servers with fake IPs, but this was a first step to get it working with fallback: Android can now transparently fallback to other DNS servers without having to be aware that they are routed via the VPN. We also need to deal with timing out queries that we received no answer for: DNS66 stores the query into a LinkedHashMap and overrides the removeEldestEntry() method to remove the eldest entry if it is older than 10 seconds or there are more than 1024 pending queries. This means that it only times out up to one request per new request, but it eventually cleans up fine.
Filed under: Android, Uncategorized

25 September 2016

Julian Andres Klode: Introducing TrieHash, a order-preserving minimal perfect hash function generator for C(++)

Abstract I introduce TrieHash an algorithm for constructing perfect hash functions from tries. The generated hash functions are pure C code, minimal, order-preserving and outperform existing alternatives. Together with the generated header files,they can also be used as a generic string to enumeration mapper (enums are created by the tool). Introduction APT (and dpkg) spend a lot of time in parsing various files, especially Packages files. APT currently uses a function called AlphaHash which hashes the last 8 bytes of a word in a case-insensitive manner to hash fields in those files (dpkg just compares strings in an array of structs). There is one obvious drawback to using a normal hash function: When we want to access the data in the hash table, we have to hash the key again, causing us to hash every accessed key at least twice. It turned out that this affects something like 5 to 10% of the cache generation performance. Enter perfect hash functions: A perfect hash function matches a set of words to constant values without collisions. You can thus just use the index to index into your hash table directly, and do not have to hash again (if you generate the function at compile time and store key constants) or handle collision resolution. As #debian-apt people know, I happened to play a bit around with tries this week before guillem suggested perfect hashing. Let me tell you one thing: My trie implementation was very naive, that did not really improve things a lot Enter TrieHash Now, how is this related to hashing? The answer is simple: I wrote a perfect hash function generator that is based on tries. You give it a list of words, it puts them in a trie, and generates C code out of it, using recursive switch statements (see code generation below). The function achieves competitive performance with other hash functions, it even usually outperforms them. Given a dictionary, it generates an enumeration (a C enum or C++ enum class) of all words in the dictionary, with the values corresponding to the order in the dictionary (the order-preserving property), and a function mapping strings to members of that enumeration. By default, the first word is considered to be 0 and each word increases a counter by one (that is, it generates a minimal hash function). You can tweak that however:
= 0
WordLabel ~ Word
OtherWord = 9
will return 0 for an unknown value, map Word to the enum member WordLabel and map OtherWord to 9. That is, the input list functions like the body of a C enumeration. If no label is specified for a word, it will be generated from the word. For more details see the documentation C code generation
switch(string[0]   32)  
case 't':
    switch(string[1]   32)  
    case 'a':
        switch(string[2]   32)  
        case 'g':
            return Tag;
return Unknown;
Yes, really recursive switches they directly represent the trie. Now, we did not really do a straightforward translation, there are some optimisations to make the whole thing faster and easier to look at: First of all, the 32 you see is used to make the check case insensitive in case all cases of the switch body are alphabetical characters. If there are non-alphabetical characters, it will generate two cases per character, one upper case and one lowercase (with one break in it). I did not know that lowercase and uppercase characters differed by only one bit before, thanks to the clang compiler for pointing that out in its generated assembler code! Secondly, we only insert breaks only between cases. Initially, each case ended with a return Unknown, but guillem (the dpkg developer) suggested it might be faster to let them fallthrough where possible. Turns out it was not faster on a good compiler, but it s still more readable anywhere. Finally, we build one trie per word length, and switch by the word length first. Like the 32 trick, his gives a huge improvement in performance. Digging into the assembler code The whole code translates to roughly 4 instructions per byte:
  1. A memory load,
  2. an or with 32
  3. a comparison, and
  4. a conditional jump.
(On x86, the case sensitive version actually only has a cmp-with-memory and a conditional jump). Due to this may be one instruction more: On some architectures an unneeded zero-extend-byte instruction is inserted this causes a 20% performance loss. Performance evaluation I run the hash against all 82 words understood by APT in Packages and Sources files, 1,000,000 times for each word, and summed up the average run-time:
host arch Trie TrieCase GPerfCase GPerf DJB
plummer ppc64el 540 601 1914 2000 1345
eller mipsel 4728 5255 12018 7837 4087
asachi arm64 1000 1603 4333 2401 1625
asachi armhf 1230 1350 5593 5002 1784
barriere amd64 689 950 3218 1982 1776
x230 amd64 465 504 1200 837 693
Suffice to say, GPerf does not really come close. All hosts except the x230 are Debian porterboxes. The x230 is my laptop with a a Core i5-3320M, barriere has an Opteron 23xx. I included the DJB hash function for another reference. Source code The generator is written in Perl, licensed under the MIT license and available from I initially prototyped it in Python, but guillem complained that this would add new build dependencies to dpkg, so I rewrote it in Perl. Benchmark is available from Usage See the script for POD documentation.
Filed under: General

7 September 2016

Julian Andres Klode: New software: sicherboot

Fork me on GitHub Today, I wrote sicherboot, a tool to integrate systemd-boot into a Linux distribution in an entirely new way: With secure boot support. To be precise: The use case here is to only run trusted code which then unmounts an otherwise fully encrypted disk, as in my setup: screenshot-from-2016-09-06-04-09-52 If you want, sicherboot automatically creates db, KEK, and PK keys, and puts the public keys on your EFI System Partition (ESP) together with the KeyTool tool, so you can enroll the keys in UEFI. You can of course also use other keys, you just need to drop a db.crt and a db.key file into /etc/sicherboot/keys. It would be nice if sicherboot could enroll the keys directly in Linux, but there seems to be a bug in efitools preventing that at the moment. For some background: The Platform Key (PK) signs the Key Exchange Key (KEK) which signs the database key (db). The db key is the one signing binaries. sicherboot also handles installing new kernels to your ESP. For this, it combines the kernel with its initramfs into one executable UEFI image, and then signs that. Combined with a fully encrypted disk setup, this assures that only you can run UEFI binaries on the system, and attackers cannot boot any other operating system or modify parts of your operating system (except for, well, any block of your encrypted data, as XTS does not authenticate the data; but then you do have to know which blocks are which which is somewhat hard). sicherboot integrates with various parts of Debian: It can work together by dracut via an evil hack (diverting dracut s kernel/postinst.d config file, so we can run sicherboot after running dracut), it should support initramfs-tools (untested), and it also integrates with systemd upgrades via triggers on the /usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi directory. Currently sicherboot only supports Debian-style setups with /boot/vmlinuz-<version> and /boot/initrd.img-<version> files, it cannot automatically create combined boot images from or install boot loader entries for other naming schemes yet. Fixing that should be trivial though, with a configuration setting and some eval magic (or string substitution). Future planned features include: (1) support for multiple ESP partitions, so you can have a fallback partition on a different drive (think RAID type situation, keep one ESP on each drive, so you can remove a failing one); and (2) a tool to create a self-contained rescue disk image from a directory (which will act as initramfs) and a kernel (falling back to a vmlinuz file ) It might also be interesting to add support for other bootloaders and setups, so you could automatically sign a grub cryptodisk image for example. Not sure how much sense that makes. I published the source at (MIT licensed) and uploaded the package to Debian, it should enter the NEW queue soon (or be in NEW by the time you read this). Give it a try, and let me know what you think.
Filed under: Debian, sicherboot

2 September 2016

Julian Andres Klode: apt 1.3 RC4 Tweaking apt update

Did that ever happen to you: You run apt update, it fetches a Release file, then starts fetching DEP-11 metadata, then any pdiff index stuff, and then applies them; all after another? Or this: You don t see any update progress until very near the end? Worry no more: I tweaked things a bit in 1.3~rc4 (git commit). Prior to 1.3~rc4, acquiring the files for an update worked like this: We create some object for the Release file, once a release file is done we queue any next object (DEP-11 icons, .diff/Index files, etc). There is no prioritizing, so usually we fetch the 5MB+ DEP-11 icons and components files first, and only then start working on other indices which might use Pdiff. In 1.3~rc4 I changed the queues to be priority queues: Release files and .diff/Index files have the highest priority (once we have them all, we know how much to fetch). The second level of priority goes to the .pdiff files which are later on passed to the rred process to patch an existing Packages, Sources, or Contents file. The third priority level is taken by all other index targets. Actually, I implemented the priority queues back in Jun. There was just one tiny problem: Pipelining. We might be inserting elements into our fetching queues in order of priority, but with pipelining enabled, stuff of lower priority might already have their HTTP request sent before we even get to queue the higher priority stuff. Today I had an epiphany: We fill the pipeline up to a number of items (the depth, currently 10). So, let s just fill the pipeline with items that have the same (or higher) priority than the maximum priority of the already-queued ones; and pretend it is full when we only have lower priority items. And that works fine: First the Release and .diff/Index stuff is fetched, which means we can start showing accurate progress info from there one. Next, the pdiff files are fetched, meaning that we can apply them in parallel to any targets downloading later in parallel (think DEP-11 icon tarballs). This has a great effect on performance: For the 01 Sep 2016 03:35:23 UTC -> 02 Sep 2016 09:25:37 update of Debian unstable and testing with Contents and appstream for amd64 and i386, update time reduced from 37 seconds to 24-28 seconds. In other news I recently cleaned up the apt packaging which renamed /usr/share/bug/apt/script to /usr/share/bug/apt. That broke on overlayfs, because dpkg could not rename the old apt directory to a backup name during unpack (only directories purely on the upper layer can be renamed). I reverted that now, so all future updates should be fine. David re-added the Breaks against apt-utils I recently removed by accident during the cleanup, so no more errors about overriding dump solvers. He also added support for fingerprints in gpgv s GOODSIG output, which apparently might come at some point. I Also fixed a few CMake issues, fixed the test suite for gpgv 2.1.15, allow building with a system-wide gtest library (we really ought to add back a pre-built one in Debian), and modified debian/rules to pass -O to make. I wish debhelper would do the latter automatically (there s a bug for that). Finally, we fixed some uninitialized variables in the base256 code, out-of-bound reads in the Sources file parser, off-by-one errors in the tagfile comment stripping code[1], and some memcpy() with length 0. Most of these will be cherry-picked into the 1.2 (xenial) and (jessie) branches (releases 1.2.15 and If you forked off your version of apt at another point, you might want to do the same. [1] those were actually causing the failures and segfaults in the unit tests on hurd-i386 buildds. I always thought it was a hurd-specific issue PS. Building for Fedora on OBS has a weird socket fd #3 that does not get closed during the test suite despite us setting CLOEXEC on it. Join us in #debian-apt on oftc if you have ideas.
Filed under: Debian, Ubuntu

10 August 2016

Julian Andres Klode: Porting APT to CMake

Ever since it s creation back in the dark ages, APT shipped with it s own build system consisting of autoconf and a bunch of makefiles. In 2009, I felt like replacing that with something more standard, and because nobody really liked autotools, decided to go with CMake. Well, the bazaar branch was never really merged back in 2009. Fast forward 7 years to 2016. A few months ago, we noticed that our build system had trouble with correct dependencies in parallel building. So, in search for a way out, I picked up my CMake branch from 2009 last Thursday and spent the whole weekend working on it, and today I am happy to announce that I merged it into master:
123 files changed, 1674 insertions(+), 3205 deletions(-)
More than 1500 lines less build system code. Quite impressive, eh? This also includes about 200 lines of less code in debian/, as that switched from prehistoric debhelper stuff to modern dh (compat level 9, almost ready for 10). The annoying Tale of Targets vs Files Talking about CMake: I don t really love it. As you might know, CMake differentiates between targets and files. Targets can in some cases depend on files (generated by a command in the same directory), but overall files are not really targets. You also cannot have a target with the same name as a file you are generating in a custom command, you have to rename your target (make is OK with the generated stuff, but ninja complains about cycles because your custom target and your custom command have the same name). Byproducts for the (time) win One interesting thing about CMake and Ninja are byproducts. In our tree, we are building C++ files. We also have .pot templates depending on them, and .mo files depending on the templates (we have multiple domains, and merge the per-domain .pot with the all-domain .po file during the build to get a per-domain .mo). Now, if we just let them depend naively, changing a C++ file causes the .pot file to be regenerated which in turns causes us to build .mo files for every freaking language in the package. Even if nothing changed. Byproducts solve this problem. Instead of just building the .pot file, we also create a stamp file (AKA the witness) and write the .pot file (without a header) into a temporary name and only copy it to its final name if the content changed. The .pot file is declared as a byproduct of the command. The command doing the .pot->.mo step still depends on the .pot file (the byproduct), but as that only changes now if strings change, the .mo files only get rebuild if I change a translatable string. We still need to ensure that that the .pot file is actually built before we try to use it the solution here is to specify a custom target depending on the witness and then have the target containing the .mo build commands depend on that target. Now if you use make, you might now this trick already. In make, the byproducts remain undeclared, though, while in CMake we can now actually express them, and they are used by the Ninja generator and the Ninja build tool if you chose that over make (try it out, it s fast). Further Work Some command names are hardcoded, I should find_program() them. Also cross-building the package does not yet work successfully, but it only requires a tiny amount of patches in debhelper and/or cmake. I also tried building the package on a Fedora docker image (with dpkg installed, it s available in the Fedora sources). While I could eventually get the programs build and most of the integration test suite to pass, there are some minor issues to fix, mostly in the documentation building and GTest department: Fedora ships its docbook stylesheets in a different location, and ships GTest as a pre-compiled library, and not a source tree. I have not yet tested building on exotic platforms like macOS, or even a BSD. Please do and report back. In Debian, CMake is not enough on the non-Linux platforms to build APT due to test suite failures, I hope those can be fixed/disabled soon (it appears to be a timing issue AFAICT). I hope that we eventually get some non-Debian backends for APT. I d love that.
Filed under: Debian, Uncategorized

4 July 2016

Benjamin Mako Hill: Studying the relationship between remixing & learning

With more than 10 million users, the Scratch online community is the largest online community where kids learn to program. Since it was created, a central goal of the community has been to promote remixing the reworking and recombination of existing creative artifacts. As the video above shows, remixing programming projects in the current web-based version of Scratch is as easy is as clicking on the see inside button in a project web-page, and then clicking on the remix button in the web-based code editor. Today, close to 30% of projects on Scratch are remixes. Remixing plays such a central role in Scratch because its designers believed that remixing can play an important role in learning. After all, Scratch was designed first and foremost as a learning community with its roots in the Constructionist framework developed at MIT by Seymour Papert and his colleagues. The design of the Scratch online community was inspired by Papert s vision of a learning community similar to Brazilian Samba schools (Henry Jenkins writes about his experience of Samba schools in the context of Papert s vision here), and a comment Marvin Minsky made in 1984:
Adults worry a lot these days. Especially, they worry about how to make other people learn more about computers. They want to make us all computer-literate. Literacy means both reading and writing, but most books and courses about computers only tell you about writing programs. Worse, they only tell about commands and instructions and programming-language grammar rules. They hardly ever give examples. But real languages are more than words and grammar rules. There s also literature what people use the language for. No one ever learns a language from being told its grammar rules. We always start with stories about things that interest us.
In a new paper titled Remixing as a pathway to Computational Thinking that was recently published at the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work and Social Computing (CSCW) conference, we used a series of quantitative measures of online behavior to try to uncover evidence that might support the theory that remixing in Scratch is positively associated with learning. scratchblocksOf course, because Scratch is an informal environment with no set path for users, no lesson plan, and no quizzes, measuring learning is an open problem. In our study, we built on two different approaches to measure learning in Scratch. The first approach considers the number of distinct types of programming blocks available in Scratch that a user has used over her lifetime in Scratch (there are 120 in total) something that can be thought of as a block repertoire or vocabulary. This measure has been used to model informal learning in Scratch in an earlier study. Using this approach, we hypothesized that users who remix more will have a faster rate of growth for their code vocabulary. Controlling for a number of factors (e.g. age of user, the general level of activity) we found evidence of a small, but positive relationship between the number of remixes a user has shared and her block vocabulary as measured by the unique blocks she used in her non-remix projects. Intriguingly, we also found a strong association between the number of downloads by a user and her vocabulary growth. One interpretation is that this learning might also be associated with less active forms of appropriation, like the process of reading source code described by Minksy. The second approach we used considered specific concepts in programming, such as loops, or event-handling. To measure this, we utilized a mapping of Scratch blocks to key programming concepts found in this paper by Karen Brennan and Mitchel Resnick. For example, in the image below are all the Scratch blocks mapped to the concept of loop . scratchblocksctWe looked at six concepts in total (conditionals, data, events, loops, operators, and parallelism). In each case, we hypothesized that if someone has had never used a given concept before, they would be more likely to use that concept after encountering it while remixing an existing project. Using this second approach, we found that users who had never used a concept were more likely to do so if they had been exposed to the concept through remixing. Although some concepts were more widely used than others, we found a positive relationship between concept use and exposure through remixing for each of the six concepts. We found that this relationship was true even if we ignored obvious examples of cutting and pasting of blocks of code. In all of these models, we found what we believe is evidence of learning through remixing. Of course, there are many limitations in this work. What we found are all positive correlations we do not know if these relationships are causal. Moreover, our measures do not really tell us whether someone has understood the usage of a given block or programming concept.However, even with these limitations, we are excited by the results of our work, and we plan to build on what we have. Our next steps include developing and utilizing better measures of learning, as well as looking at other methods of appropriation like viewing the source code of a project.

This blog post and the paper it describes are collaborative work with Sayamindu Dasgupta, Andr s Monroy-Hern ndez, and William Hale. The paper is released as open access so anyone can read the entire paper here. This blog post was also posted on Sayamindu Dasgupta s blog and on Medium by the MIT Media Lab.

18 June 2016

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo: More work on aptitude

The last few months have been a bit of a crazy period of ups and downs, with a tempest of events beneath the apparent and deceivingly calm surface waters of being unemployed (still at it). The daily grind Chief activities are, of course, those related to the daily grind of job-hunting, sending applications, and preparing and attending interviews. It is demoralising when one searches for many days or weeks without seeing anything suitable for one's skills or interests, or other more general life expectations. And it takes a lot of time and effort to put one's best in the applications for positions that one is really, really, interested in. And even for the ones which are meh, for a variety of reasons (e.g. one is not very suitable for what the offer demands). After that, not being invited to interviews (or doing very badly at them) is bad, of course, but quick and not very painful. A swift, merciful end to the process. But it's all the more draining when waiting for many weeks when not a few months with the uncertainty of not knowing if one is going to be lucky enough to be summoned for an interview; harbouring some hope one has to appear enthusiastic in the interviews, after all , while trying to keep it contained lest it grows too much ; then in the interview hearing good words and some praises, and feeling the impression that one will fit in, that one did nicely and that chances are good letting the hope grow again ; start to think about life changes that the job will require to make a quick decision should the offer finally arrives ; perhaps make some choices and compromises based on the uncertain result; then wait for a week or two after the interview to know the result... ... only to end up being unsuccessful. All the effort and hopes finally get squashed with a cold, short email or automatic response, or more often than not, complete radio silence from prospective employers, as an end to a multi-month-long process. An emotional roller coaster [1], which happened to me several times in the last few months. All in a day's work The months of preparing and waiting for a new job often imply an impasse that puts many other things that one cares about on hold, and one makes plans that will never come to pass. All in a day's (half-year's?) work of an unemployed poor soul. But not all is bad. This period was also a busy time doing some plans about life, mid- and long-term; the usual and some really unusual! family events; visits to and from friends, old and new; attending nice little local Debian gatherings or the bigger gathering of Debian SunCamp2016, and other work for side projects or for other events that will happen soon... And amidst all that, I managed to get some work done on aptitude. Two pictures worth (less than) a thousand bugs To be precise, worth 709 bugs 488 bugs in the first graph, plus 221 in the second. In 2015-11-15 (link to the post Work on aptitude): aptitude BTS Graph, 2015-11-15 In 2016-06-18: aptitude BTS Graph, 2016-06-18 Numbers The BTS numbers for aptitude right now are: Highlights Beyond graphs and stats, I am specially happy about two achievements in the last year:
  1. To have aptitude working today, first and foremost Apart from the abandon that suffered in previous years, I mean specifically the critical step of getting it through the troubles of the last summer, with the GCC-5/C++11 transition in parallel with a transition of the Boost library (explained in more detail in Work on aptitude). Without that, possibly aptitude would not have survived until today.
  2. Improvements to the suggestions of the resolver In the version 0.8, there were a lot of changes related with improving the order of the suggestions from the resolver, when it finds conflicts or other problems with the planned actions. Historically, but specially in the last few years, there have been many complaints about the nonsensical or dangerous suggestions from the resolver. The first solution offered by the resolver was very often regarded as highly undesirable (for example, removal of many packages), and preferable solutions like upgrades of one or only a handful of packages being offered only after many removals; and keeps only offered as last resort.
Perhaps these changes don't get a lot of attention, given that in the first case it's just to keep working (with few people realising that it could have collapsed on the spot, if left unattended), and the second can probably go unnoticed because it just works or it started to work more smoothly doesn't get as much immediate attention as it suddenly broke! . Still, I wanted to mention them, because I am quite proud of those. Thanks Even if I put a lot of work on aptitude in the last year, the results of the graph and numbers have not been solely achieved by me. Special thanks go to Axel Beckert (abe / XTaran) and the apt team, David Kalnischkies and Julian Andres Klode who, despite the claim in that page, does not mostly work python-apt anymore... but also in the main tools. They help with fixing some of the issues directly, or changing things in apt that benefit aptitude, testing changes, triaging bugs or commenting on them, patiently explaining to me why something in libapt doesn't do what I think it does, and good company in general. Not the least, for holding impromptu BTS group therapy / support meetings, for those cases when prolonged exposure to BTS activity starts to induce very bad feelings. Thanks also to people who sent their translation updates, notified about corrections, sent or tested patches, submitted bugs, or tried to help in other ways. Change logs for details. Notes [1] ^ It's even an example in the Cambridge Dictionaries Online website, for the entry of roller coaster:
He was on an emotional roller coaster for a while when he lost his job.

11 May 2016

Julian Andres Klode: Backing up with borg and git-annex

I recently found out that I have access to a 1 TB cloud storage drive by 1&1, so I decided to start taking off-site backups of my $HOME (well, backups at all, previously I only mirrored the latest version from my SSD to an HDD). I initially tried obnam. Obnam seems like a good tool, but is insanely slow. Unencrypted it can write about 3 MB/s, which is somewhat OK, but even then it can spend hours forgetting generations (1 generation takes probably 2 minutes, and there might be 22 of them). In encrypted mode, the speed reduces a lot, to about 500 KB/s if I recall correctly, which is just unusable. I found borg backup, a fork of attic. Borg backup achieves speeds of up to 15 MB/s which is really nice. It s also faster with scanning: I can now run my bihourly backups in about 1 min 30s (usually backs up about 30 to 80 MB mostly thanks to Chrome I suppose!). And all those speeds are with encryption turned on. Both borg and obnam use some form of chunks from which they compose files. Obnam stores each chunk in its own file, borg stores multiple chunks (even from different files) in a single pack file which is probably the main reason it is faster. So how am I backing up: My laptop has an internal SSD and an HDD. I backup every 2 hours (at 09,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,01:00 hours) using a systemd timer event, from the SSD to the HDD. The backup includes all of $HOME except for Downloads, .cache, the trash, Android SDK, and the eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA IDEs. Now the magic comes in: The backup repository on the HDD is monitored by git-annex assistant, which automatically encrypts and uploads any new files in there to my 1&1 WebDAV drive and registers them in a git repository hosted on bitbucket. All files are encrypted and checksummed using SHA256, reducing the chance of the backup being corrupted. I m not sure how the WebDAV thing will work once I want to prune things, I suspect it will then delete some pack files and repack things into new files which means it will spend more bandwidth than obnam would. I d also have to convince git-annex to actually drop anything from the WebDAV remote, but that is not really that much of a concern with 1TB storage space in the next 2 years at least I also have an external encrypted HDD which I can take backups on, it currently houses a fuller backup of $HOME that also includes Downloads, the Android SDK, and the IDEs for quicker recovery. Downloads changes a lot, and all of them can be fairly easily re-retrieved from the internet as needed, so there s not much point in painfully uploading them to a WebDAV backup site.
Filed under: Uncategorized

17 March 2016

Julian Andres Klode: Clarifications and updates on APT + SHA1

The APT 1.2.7 release is out now. Despite of what I wrote earlier, we now print warnings for Release files signed with signatures using SHA1 as the digest algorithm. This involved extending the protocol APT uses to communicate with the methods a bit, by adding a new 104 Warning message type.
W: gpgv:/var/lib/apt/lists/apt.example.com_debian_dists_sid_InRelease: The repository is insufficiently signed by key
1234567890ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF01234567 (weak digest)
Also note that SHA1 support is not dropped, we merely do not consider it trustworthy. This means that it feels like SHA1 support is dropped, because sources without SHA2 won t work; but the SHA1 signatures will still be used in addition to the SHA2 ones, so there s no point removing them (same for MD5Sum fields). We also fixed some small bugs!
Filed under: Debian, Ubuntu

14 March 2016

Julian Andres Klode: Dropping SHA-1 support in APT

Tomorrow is the anniversary of Caesar s assassination APT will see a new release, turning of support for SHA-1 checksums in Debian unstable and in Ubuntu xenial, the upcoming LTS release. While I have no knowledge of an imminent attack on our use of SHA1, Xenial (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) will be supported for 5 years, and the landscape may change a lot in the next 5 years. As disabling the SHA1 support requires a bit of patching in our test suite, it s best to do that now rather than later when we re forced to do it. This will mean that starting tomorrow, some third party repositories may stop working, such as the one for the web browser I am writing this with. Debian Derivatives should be mostly safe for that change, if they are registered in the Consensus, as that has checks for that. This is a bit unfortunate, but we have no real choice: Technical restrictions prevent us from just showing a warning in a sensible way. There is one caveat, however: GPG signatures may still use SHA1. While I have prepared the needed code to reject SHA1-based signatures in APT, a lot of third party repositories still ship Release files signed with signatures using SHA-1 as the digest algorithms. Some repositories even still use 1024-bit DSA keys. I plan to enforce SHA2 for GPG signatures some time after the release of xenial, and definitely for Ubuntu 16.10, so around June-August (possibly during DebConf). For xenial, I plan to have a SRU (stable release update) in January to do the same (it s just adding one member to an array). This should give 3rd party providers a reasonable time frame to migrate to a new digest algorithm for their GPG config and possibly a new repository key. Summary
Filed under: Debian, Ubuntu

17 January 2016

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 38 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort between January 10th and January 16th:

Toolchain fixes Benjamin Drung uploaded mozilla-devscripts/0.43 which sorts the file list in preferences files. Original patch by Reiner Herrmann. Lunar submitted an updated patch series to make timestamps in packages created by dpkg deterministic. To ensure that the mtimes in data.tar are reproducible, with the patches, dpkg-deb uses the --clamp-mtime option added in tar/1.28-1 when available. An updated package has been uploaded to the experimental repository. This removed the need for a modified debhelper as all required changes for reproducibility have been merged or are now covered by dpkg.

Packages fixed The following packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: angband-doc, bible-kjv, cgoban, gnugo, pachi, wmpuzzle, wmweather, wmwork, xfaces, xnecview, xscavenger, xtrlock, virt-top. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Untested changes: Once again, Vagrant Cascadian is providing another armhf build system, allowing to run 6 more armhf builder jobs, right there. (h01ger) Stop requiring a modified debhelper and adapt to the latest dpkg experimental version by providing a predetermined identifier for the .buildinfo filename. (Mattia Rizzolo, h01ger) New X.509 certificates were set up for and using Let's Encrypt!. Thanks to GlobalSign for providing certificates for the last year free of charge. (h01ger)

Package reviews 131 reviews have been removed, 85 added and 32 updated in the previous week. FTBFS issues filled: 29. Thanks to Chris Lamb, Mattia Rizzolo, and Niko Tyni. New issue identified: timestamps_in_manpages_added_by_golang_cobra.

Misc. Most of the minutes from the meetings held in Athens in December 2015 are now available to the public.

30 December 2015

Julian Andres Klode: APT 1.1.8 to 1.1.10 going faster

Not only do I keep incrementing version numbers faster than ever before, APT also keeps getting faster. But not only that, it also has some bugs fixed and the cache is now checked with a hash when opening. Important fix for 1.1.6 regression Since APT 1.1.6, APT uses the configured xz compression level. Unfortunately, the default was set to 9, which requires 674 MiB of RAM, compared to the 94 MiB required at level 6. This caused the test suite to fail on the Ubuntu autopkgtest servers, but I thought it was just some temporary hickup on their part, and so did not look into it for the 1.1.7, 1.1.8, and 1.1.9 releases. When the Ubuntu servers finally failed with 1.1.9 again (they only started building again on Monday it seems), I noticed something was wrong. Enter git bisect. I created a script that compiles the APT source code and runs a test with ulimit for virtual and resident memory set to 512 (that worked in 1.1.5), and let it ran, and thus found out the reason mentioned above. The solution: APT now defaults to level 6. New Features APT 1.1.8 introduces /usr/lib/apt/apt-helper cat-file which can be used to read files compressed by any compressor understood by APT. It is used in the recent apt-file experimental release, and serves to prepare us for a future in which files on the disk might be compressed with a different compressor (such as LZ4 for Contents files, this will improve rred speed on them by factor 7). David added a feature that enables servers to advertise that they do not want APT to download and use some Architecture: all contents when they include all in their list of architectures. This is to allow archives to drop Architecture: all packages from the architecture-specific content files, to avoid redundant data and (thus) improve the performance of apt-file. Buffered writes APT 1.1.9 introduces buffered writing for rred, reducing the runtime by about 50% on a slowish SSD, and maybe more on HDDs. The 1.1.9 release is a bit buggy and might mess up things when a write syscall is interrupted, this is fixed in 1.1.10. Cache generation improvements APT 1.1.9 and APT 1.1.10 improve the cache generation algorithms in several ways: Switching a lookup table from std::map to std::unordered_map, providing an inline isspace_ascii() function, and inlining the tolower_ascii() function which are tiny functions that are called a lot. APT 1.1.10 also switches the cache s hash function to the DJB hash function and increases the default hash table sizes to the smallest prime larger than 15000, namely 15013. This reduces the average bucket size from 6.5 to 4.5. We might increase this further in the future. Checksum for the cache, but no more syncs Prior to APT 1.1.10 writing the cache was a multi-part process:
  1. Write the the cache to a temporary file with the dirty bit set to true
  2. Call fsync() to sync the cache
  3. Write a new header with the dirty bit set to false
  4. Call fsync() to sync the new header
  5. (Rename the temporary file to the target name)
The last step was obviously not needed, as we could easily live with an intact cache that has its dirty field set to false, as we can just rebuild it. But what matters more is step 2. Synchronizing the entire 40 or 50 MB takes some time. On my HDD system, it consumed 56% of the entire cache generation time, and on my SSD system, it consumed 25% of the time. APT 1.1.10 does not sync the cache at all. It now embeds a hashsum (adler32 for performance reasons) in the cache. This helps ensure that no matter what parts of the cache are written in case of some failure somewhere, we can still detect a failure with reasonable confidence (and even more errors than before). This means that cache generation is now much faster for a lot of people. On the bad side, commands like apt-cache show that previously took maybe 10 ms to execute can now take about 80 ms. Please report back on your performance experience with 1.1.10 release, I m very interested to see if that works reasonably for other people. And if you have any other idea how to solve the issue, I d be interested to hear them (all data needs to be written before the header with dirty=0 is written, but we don t want to sync the data). Future work We seem to have a lot of temporary (?) std::string objects during the cache generation, accounting for about 10% of the run time. I m thinking of introducing a string_view class similar to the one proposed for C++17 and make use of that. I also thought about calling posix_fadvise() before starting to parse files, but the cache generation process does not seem to spend a lot of its time in system calls (even with all caches dropped before the run), so I don t think this will improve things. If anyone has some other suggestions or patches for performance stuff, let me know.
Filed under: Debian, Ubuntu

